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Int 1A Fn 93  - PCmcia Socket Services - Read Multiple                     [X]

   AH = 93h
   AL = adapter number
   BL = socket number (01h to maximum supported by adapter)
   BH = attributes (see AH=91h)
   CX = number of bytes or words to read
   DX:SI = card address
   DS:DI -> data buffer to be filled

Return: CF clear if successful
       AH destroyed
   CF set on error
       AH = error code (01h,07h,09h,0Bh,14h) (see AH=80h"PCMCIA")

Note:  this function is only available on I/O-mapped sockets

See Also: AH=91h,AH=94h,INT 21/AX=440Dh"IOCTL"

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